1. Log in to Compass using your email address and password https://auth.careersandenterprise.co.uk/schoolshub
(If you haven't got a Compass account yet, find out How to create a Compass account for Colleges.)
2. Click on 'Go to Dashboard' in the Compass tile at the bottom of the screen:
3. Click on the green 'Start new evaluation' button
4. A new Compass evaluation will open. Each section of the Compass evaluation asks you questions about your provision under each of the eight Gatsby Benchmarks. There is a progress bar at the top of the screen that tracks your completion of the Compass evaluation.
5. Click on 'Next' to start a new Compass evaluation:
6. Work through each of the eight sections, clicking 'Next' to move on, or if you need to save your progress and complete the rest of the Compass evaluation later, you can do this anytime by clicking on the ‘Save and complete later’ link:
You can also resume a Compass evaluation that you have previously started:
- Go back to your Dashboard (you can do this by clicking the Compass logo at the top of the screen)
- Find the evaluation that you want to resume
- Click on the + symbol in the Actions column
- Select 'Resume evaluation'
7. When you have completed the Compass evaluation, your results will be shown on screen.
Further guidance on accessing and understanding your Compass evaluation results can be found in the Help Centre article listed below: