After completing a Compass evaluation, your results will be immediately displayed on screen. You can also access your Compass evaluation results anytime via your Dashboard:
- Log in to Compass using your email address and password
- Click on 'Go to Dashboard' in the Compass tile at the bottom of the screen:
To view the results of a completed Compass evaluation from your Dashboard:
1. Scroll down to your Compass evaluations table which shows all of your completed and in-progress Compass evaluations. Your Compass evaluations from the current academic year will be displayed at the top.
2. Click on the + symbol in the Actions column
3. Select 'View results'
4. A percentage score is given for each of the eight Gatsby Benchmarks. If you have completed a Compass evaluation before, the results will automatically compare against your most recent Compass evaluation.
Understanding your Compass evaluation results
Click on the ‘Show details’ link beneath each Gatsby Benchmark score to see the benchmark criteria that the institution is expected to meet. The following symbols are used:
- Black cross = not started
- In progress = some progress has been made towards achieving the benchmark criteria, but it has not been fully achieved yet
- Green tick = the benchmark criteria has been fully achieved
Analysing your progress towards achieving benchmark criteria is a great way to start identifying gaps in your provision. The results can be used by those who are responsible for the strategic leadership of careers within the college to help target areas of the provision that need further/immediate development.
How to use the results in your Compass evaluation
Compass evaluation data can be used in many ways to support the effective delivery of a progressive careers programme:
- At a glance, Compass evaluation results help you to quickly identify the gaps within your careers provision and enable a Careers Leader to start focusing on key areas of development
- As part of your reporting process for Governors, SLT and key stakeholders, Careers Leaders can analyse Compass evaluation data quickly and easily to provide a summary overview of the college's progress towards achieving the eight Gatsby Benchmarks
- Compass evaluation data can be incredibly valuable during an annual review of your careers provision. Our Impact Evaluation Toolkit and supporting webinar recording can support you with this process
- Compass evaluation data can be used to inform future planning and the continuous improvement of your careers provision, including any in-year changes to the strategic planning of careers
- Resources to support the successful implementation of the Gatsby Benchmarks can be found in the Gatsby Benchmark toolkit for colleges on the CEC Resource Directory.
Progress Reports
Progress reports are downloadable Excel spreadsheets that show the results from all of your completed Compass evaluations, enabling you to compare your progress against previous evaluations.
To create a progress report from your Dashboard:
1. Scroll down to your Compass evaluations table which shows all of your completed and in-progress Compass evaluations. Your Compass evaluations from the current academic year will be displayed at the top.
2. Click on ‘Generate progress report’ above the Actions column:
3. A pop-up window will appear asking you to choose which completed Compass evaluations you want to include in the progress report. ALL Compass evaluations will automatically be included in the progress report so you must untick the box next to the Compass evaluation in the Export Survey column, if you DO NOT want to include in the progress report:
4. Click on ‘Generate report’ at the bottom of the pop-up window.
Your progress report will download as an Excel spreadsheet. Check your Downloads folder on your computer to access the progress report.
The report is split into two tabs:
- A Summary report showing your overall progress against achieving each of the Gatsby Benchmarks
- A School/Post 16 report showing a question-by-question breakdown for each completed evaluation