If your institution has multiple sites/departments and you need to create separate Compass evaluations for each of them, you can do this by following the steps below. Please note: this can only be done by your Compass Admin user.
1. Log in to Compass using your email address and password https://auth.careersandenterprise.co.uk/schoolshub
2. Click on ‘Manage Users’ at the top left of the screen
2. Click on the email address of the user you want to assign to a different site/department
3. By default, users will be set up to work across the ‘Whole College’ (this is all of the sites/departments within the institution). Untick the ‘They work across the Whole College’ box and click ‘Edit List’
4. A pop-up window will appear with the option of adding new sites/departments/faculties or amending existing ones:
4. You can then manage your sites/departments in the following ways:
- To create new sites/departments, enter the site/department name and click ‘Add’
- To amend site/department names, make the changes and click ‘Update’
- To delete sites/departments, click ‘Delete’ by the relevant site/department
5. Once your sites/departments have been created, you can assign users to these by going into the user record (by clicking on their email address), unticking ‘They work across the Whole College’, clicking the drop-down list and selecting the relevant site/department
6. Click ‘Update User’
7. Any Compass evaluations that the user then completes will then show under the relevant site/department.
- A user can be assigned to a specific site/department or the whole college
- If a user wants to be able to create evaluations for different sites/departments, they need to be assigned to a different site/department by their Admin. At the moment, a user cannot assign themselves to a specific site/department
- When completing a Compass evaluation, the user will only be able to create a Compass evaluation for the site/department they are assigned to. If the user is assigned to the whole college, any Compass evaluations they create will be created for the whole college
- Any users that are set-up as whole college users can view all Compass evaluations created by all users
- An institution can only complete one Compass evaluation type, the evaluation type that is matched to their URN
- If you are one college but with multiple sites, each site will only be able to complete the Compass for Post 16 evaluation type
- If you are a school with a sixth form, you cannot complete a Compass evaluation for Schools for Y7-11 and then a Compass evaluation for Post 16 for the sixth form. Both cohorts come under the same URN so only one Compass evaluation type (Compass evaluation for Schools) can be used.