Planning for impact
The features available in Compass support the continuous improvement of your careers provision. They each have a different role to play but when used together, can provide you with a rich picture of the progress and impact you are making towards effectively delivering your careers programme.
1. Compass evaluation – Monitor and track your performance against achieving the eight Gatsby Benchmarks
2. Careers Impact internal leadership review – Draw on data from all the evaluation mechanisms you use in your institution to help review the maturity of your careers provision.
Using these features effectively
The way you utilise the features within this digital product will need to align to your institution’s careers strategy planning process and tie into your institution improvement cycle. Please refer to our recommended patterns of usage below:
1. Compass evaluation – Complete at the end of each term to record careers activity that has taken place aligned to the Gatsby Benchmarks
2. Careers Impact internal leadership review – Complete once a year at the point where strategic planning for future provision is taking place.
Getting support
It can be hard to know where to start to make the most of these features, but don’t worry, there is a range of support available:
Contact your local Careers Hub - Discuss your strategic objectives and put a plan in place across the year to use each of these features at the most beneficial time to you.
Find your Careers Hub
Look on the Help Centre - All our digital products have bespoke Help Centres with a range of articles that clearly explain how to use key functionality effectively, you can also sign up for free training including webinars and self-paced learning.
Compass Help Centre
- Explore our Resource Directory - Find resources to support with planning for impact and learn about the benefits of following the Careers Impact internal leadership review process.
Resource Directory